Our Team

Leading the way to a healthier community.

The Journey

Our journey started with everyone's interest of living a healthy lifestyle for our families. Growing our own greens and being sustainable in the future led us to learn more about hydroponics. 

The Challenge

We have set up different hydroponics systems on our individual homes and tried almost different types of systems. Some would work and some would not because of so many factors involved for plants to grow. 

Another unforeseen factor was time. With our busy lives with family, kids, school and work, often we don't have time to watch over our plants. We have found that these are the most common reasons why one would stop eventually.

Our Dream

With this in mind, we thought why not make this routine autonomous. This led to an idea of us friends to do something that we think would not only help our family but our community as well. We were surprised of what we have accomplished as we thought this could change how we can be sustainable by growing our own food.

Our dream is to provide community with sustainable food, clean and high quality produce while providing a zero-waste production straight to your kitchens.